FTC Legal Disclosure

The following disclosure is being posted in accordance with rules posted by the Federal Trade Commission. This is used to create a full disclosure of any relationship that occurs between the site and the owners of the products or services that are being listed and written about on this particular site.

The information that is listed here should not be used as the genuine article with regards to what different items might be all about. You must make sure that you research the materials that you see on your own and that you are aware of the decision that you make on your own. This website is required to state that there is a relationship in some form between it and a select series of the products or services that have been listed here in reviews, recommendations and other features. This relationship includes links with specific organizations that offer these products or services for people to utilize.

First, every mention of a product or service listed on this website is being used because the product or service in question is an actual product that has some kind of connection to this website. This includes information on different products that are recommended on this site because of the preferential or favorable opinions that the site has for those products.

Any recommendation that is listed on this website is listed because a writer who is responsible for it has either used the product or service in the past or has done a substantial amount of research on it. This information must be strong enough to give a person an honest opinion about the product or service in question. Therefore, there is a potential that a material connection will exist between this site and the people who are responsible for creating these products or services.

There is also the concern about partiality on this website. In many cases some form of partiality might occur where a writer is going to be clearly biased in favor of a certain product or service over another. In many cases this may be because of the prior experience that the writer might have had with such a product. In other cases there may have been some form of compensation involved. This is in spite of the goodwill efforts that are being used to make the information on this site as fair and balanced as possible.

There is always the potential for there to be some kind of relationship between a person responsible for writing things on the site and the provider of whatever products are being written about. This connection can occur regardless of whether or not there was any form of compensation involved in the process.

You will have to be aware of the potential for a writer to be partial to a particular product or service due to the compensation that may have occurred. It is strongly recommended that you research the information on your own in addition to taking a look at this site so you can get a full idea of what to expect out of someone.

The next part of this FTC disclosure relates to the compensation that may occur in the process of creating the site and listing information based off of what is included here. The owner of this site can get compensated by the providers of items that are listed here. This compensation generally occurs when the owner makes a recommendation of something on this site. The compensation can vary in terms of what is included and can involve such points as monetary compensation or free providers or services given to the owner.

You may end up contributing to the compensation that occurs in the process of buying a product or service as well. There is a potential for a part of the money that you use for something to be given back to the owner of this website. This could be a part of the compensation contract that is being used between the owner and another party associated with this site.

The most common example of offering compensation to the owner is if you click on an appropriate affiliate link here and then buy a product or service off of the site that you were linked to. The value of compensation may vary depending on the contract. Also, you will not be involved with giving any compensation to the site owner in the event that you choose to either not buy anything of off the link or do choose to go to that website but will do so without clicking on the proper affiliate link.

This FTC disclosure was created to let you know about the potential of there being a link between something that was referenced on this website in a review or recommendation and the owner of whatever had been referenced here. All information used here has been organized to make sure that it is as accurate and true as it possibly can be so the information can be a little more reliable for people to use.

We are dedicated to making sure that every statement listed on this site is as accurate as it possibly can be. This includes making sure that all information on what is written on this site is confirmed properly so any reviews or recommendations will give you the most honest information possible.

However, many of the reviews listed here come from a number of different people from all parts of the world who have had different experienced with what they have been using. Therefore, you cannot guarantee in any way that a particular review might actually be valid.

You can ask this website for additional information in the event that you have any questions or issues involving this FTC disclosure. You can also contact the site to learn more about the process before you choose to buy anything that was featured on this site. You can contact the owner of this website at (contact info).

Thank you for reviewing this disclosure. We hope that this has provided you with details on our relationships with the products organizations that have been profiled on this website.

Karen Sessions Inc. all rights reserved

Last Updated: September 19, 2015